Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Neoclassical Architecture

Neoclassicism is an artistic movement and approach to architectural design that takes inspiration from the principles and proportions of Classical Greek and Roman architecture. Neoclassical architecture was an exceptionally popular international style, dominating the 18th century, with particular resonance in England, France, and the United States.

One of the most important hallmarks of Neoclassical architecture is the use of columns and the revival of the Classical orders, Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. These styles follow artfully crafted ancient standards of proportion and beauty.
Ionic Column - Artwork by Rebecca Noll
The Ionic Order comes from Eastern Greece in 
the mid-6th century BC. Ancient Roman architect 
Vitruvius likened the Doric order to more masculine 
proportions, while the Ionic and Corinthian are 
more slender and feminine in nature. Ionic columns 
were particularly popular during the later 18th 
century Greek Revival, and were typically used 
for museums and courts of justice, where they lend a 
civilized, learned sensibility to any building. The major 
feature that sets the Ionic order apart is its capital 
composed of volutes—a scroll-like spiral sometimes 
enhanced by an egg-and-dart motif. 
Corinthian Column - Artwork by Rebecca Noll
The Corinthian Order is the last developed of the 

Classical orders and is the most ornate. Created 
in the Late Classical Period (430-323 BC), the richly 
detailed Corinthian includes elaborate capitals 
decorated with scrolls and acanthus leaves and 
with slender fluted columns. Corinthian columns 
are meant to convey an airy lightness, and these 
columns have a slender height to width ratio, often 
appearing as the uppermost columns on 
building or temple, as they do on the Colosseum, 
or on their own to lend an impression of 
architectural elegance.

Two of the best examples of the Classical architecture of antiquity that inspired Neoclassicism are the Pantheon in Rome and the Parthenon in Athens. These ancient structures were viewed as the pinnacle of culture, design, and purity, and they collectively feature the often imitated signatures of the Neoclassical approach, including columns that rise the full height of the building, symmetry in design, domed roofs, and triangular pediments.

Neoclassical as a term also encompasses Greek Revival, Federalist, Georgian, Antebellum, and Beaux Arts architecture. Neoclassical homes show principles of symmetry and balance, with windows equally dispersed on each side of the front door, and often feature columns and pediments.

Due to the romanticization of the ancient orders and simplicity of forms, entire cities were designed around Classical principles, including Washington D.C. and areas of Paris and Milan, cities that promoted Enlightened values. Neoclassicism represents a rational order and an aesthetic link to the principles of Greek democracy and Roman republicanism, linking the present to a past that valued philosophy, culture, and equality. Conversely, the Gothic Revival style tended to demonstrate a link to the monarchy.

Neoclassical architecture remains popular on college campuses and with banks and monuments, and is also the typical style for city capital buildings and courtrooms. The style truly is an international classic and has had a resurgence in the past several decades.

Explore this plan, Jewell Lake, an opulent Neoclassical mansion in our
new Mansions and Millennials Collection

For more on Neoclassical architecture, be sure to check out our Mansions and Millennials Collection, the latest house plan book from Rocky Mountain Plan Company, available next week on Amazon or at our website!

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