Monday, July 28, 2014

Elevators and Lifts Add Accessibility to your Home

Rocky Mountain Plan Company is proud to call Morning Star Elevator a trusted affiliate. Morning Star Elevator has been selling and installing lifts and elevators in Colorado and Wyoming since 1999, and offers a quality product, great workmanship, reasonable pricing, and long-term service relationships. Focusing on home elevators and wheelchair lifts, their passion is to change a person’s life through the addition of a lift or elevator that allows that person the freedom of mobility throughout their home.

Stylish and practical, residential elevators are becoming increasingly popular features in new homes for a number of reasons. Hundreds have been installed in Colorado over the past few years and they are not limited to only extremely large or upscale homes, with their popularity rising due to their affordability and the fact that more homeowners are willing to invest in the long-term value of their home. 

There are two basic types of elevator hoisting mechanisms available-hydraulic and “traction.” The action of the hydraulic elevator is as straightforward as it sounds—a big hydraulic cylinder pushes the car up. The traction elevator relies on an electric motor and counterweights to move the car. Both types are extremely safe with battery power lowering to guard against the unlikely event of a power outage during travel. In fact, elevators are regarded as the safest form of transportation by many—certainly safer than stairs.

Why an elevator? The reasons are many. Perhaps there are limitations to the site that dictate a multistory floor plan. Another reason could be a custom hillside site where the main entrance is above or below the main living areas. In addition to site constraints, an elevator may enable a family with mobility issues to remain in their home long after a staircase is too hazardous or difficult for them to traverse. Of course, one does not have to be elderly to tire quickly of carrying a vacuum cleaner, luggage, groceries or other heavy things between floors.

Surprisingly affordable, residential elevators can be installed during a new home construction for under $20,000. Of course some people choose some options like upgraded finishes that rival fine cabinetry, powered sliding doors or windows in both the elevator cab and shaft that look out on their mountain view. Sometimes a homeowner isn’t ready to undertake the installation of elevator machinery in the new home. Installing the proper hoistway structure and electrical components will mean it’s ready for that option. In the meantime, the shaft can serve as closets or a mini-office. There are more options that may suit a homeowner as we  Platform lifts provide a viable alternative to lengthy ramps to enable wheelchair-bound people to remain in their homes.  Similarly, stair lifts can relieve the anxiety of stairs for those with mobility or balance limitations.  These can travel around corners, across intermediate landings and even up spiral staircases.

A full line of elevators and lifts, along with product data and CAD blocks may be found at If you need to consult with an elevator professional, please contact Morning Star Elevator at 719-635-7960.

MORNING STAR ELEVATOR | Colorado Springs, Denver, and Glenwood Springs, CO
719-635-7960 | 303-623-7433 |

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